Hannah Garner
Takes meetings in english
Price 45 min $75, 60 min $110 and 90 min $165
Book a consultation with meBackground
My empathic nature has always been a part of who I am. It gives me great fulfilment to be a part of a person’s journey and support them with their wellbeing. I am warm, calm and relaxed as a person, and I approach things with a steady manner.
I am a counsellor trained in a range of approaches, as well as holding a degree in psychology and therapeutic interventions. I use this knowledge to support people in a holistic way, acknowledging that all people are complex and unique. I also recognise, through my own personal experience and from witnessing others, that life can sometimes throw many trials our way. This might be when we need an extra bit of support.
Providing a trusting and non-judgemental relationship is at the core of my work. I have experience in CBT, attachment, psychodynamic theory and creative approaches, among others. I have also worked in a trauma-informed way to support a range of people, from young adults upwards. This includes understanding how events in our lives can affect our feelings and behaviours, and by making links between how our body and mind work as one being. Understanding this complex system can give us the power to enhance our overall wellbeing.
I believe that extending kindness and compassion to ourselves can be the hardest thing to do, but it is also the most beneficial. When we accept what already is, we allow for change and growth.
I have undertaken further study in neurodiversity, and have supported those with ADHD and autism, whether formally diagnosed or self-diagnosed. I also offer support to those living with a long-term health conditions.
My advice
The simple things can be the best medicine - sharing your thoughts, laughing with your loved ones, noticing the small pleasures in life.
External training
NCPS Accredited Counsellor
National Counselling & Psychotherapy Society
BSc Social & Therapeutic Interventions
Plymouth University
FdSc Psychology & Counselling
University Centre South Devon
Infant & Baby Loss Practitioner
Foundation for Infant Loss
Book a consultation with me
Fill in the form. I will contact you to confirm time and place.