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Do you find it hard to give presentations, stand on stage or otherwise be the center of attention? Then you may be experiencing stage fright. Help is available.
Stage fright is a form of social anxiety where a person feels an intense fear of performing or speaking in front of an audience. This is not only limited to traditional stage performances, but can also apply to situations such as public speaking, presenting at school or work, or even participating in social events where the person feels like the center of attention. It is a common problem, with 25% of the population avoiding situations where they need to speak in front of others. Stage fright can be limiting for those who have it, but help is available.
The causes of stage fright include a combination of psychological, biological and environmental factors. It may be because you have had previous negative experiences, like being criticized or making a mistake on stage. There may also be genetic factors where environment and upbringing play a role.
What set our therapist apart was her genuine empathy and personal insight. Not only did she possess a deep understanding of neurodiversity, but she also shared personal experiences that resonated with us, creating an instant connection and fostering a sense of trust!
Benedetta Osarenk
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Stage fright symptoms can be both physical and psychological and vary in severity, with some having only mild symptoms while others experience more severe symptoms. Here are some of the symptoms you may experience with stage fright:
Stage fright can limit a person’s ability to perform or participate in social situations, so it’s good to seek help. Avoiding social situations in general, and not just during performances, can be a symptom of social anxiety. Treatment is also available for social anxiety, which is a broader anxiety disorder.
Treatment for stage fright often involves psychotherapy and sometimes medication. It is important to remember that treatment for stage fright is individual, and what works best can vary from person to person. Treatment for stage fright can vary in time depending on its severity, with milder symptoms requiring shorter treatment than more severe symptoms. Your treatment will start with an assessment, so that your care is specific to you.
Psychotherapy: Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is one of the most effective forms of therapy. It helps people understand their problem and how it developed. CBT also helps individuals to identify and challenge negative thought patterns and behaviours that contribute to anxiety and to develop other approaches that lead to improved well-being.
Medication: Drug treatment can include the use of beta-blockers, which can act similar to anti-anxiety medication. Beta-blockers can help stop your body responding to stress hormones, alleviating physical symptoms of anxiety.
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Stage fright is a form of social phobia where a person feels an intense fear at the thought of performing or speaking in front of an audience. This anxiety is not only limited to traditional stage performances such as theater or music performances, but can also apply to situations such as public speaking, presenting at school or work, or even participating in social events where the person feels like the center of attention.
It is a common problem, with 25% of the population avoiding situations where they need to speak in front of others.
Stage fright can be caused by a combination of psychological, biological and environmental factors.
There are often physical symptoms such as shaking, sweating, heart palpitations, nausea, dry mouth, and sometimes stomach upset or headaches. Negative thoughts and fears are also common. People may start to avoid situations that cause anxiety.
Social phobia, also known as social anxiety, is anxiety in social situations in general, not just during performances and presentations. Stage fright is considered a type of social anxiety.
Stage fright can differ between individuals, both in terms of severity – some have mild symptoms while others have severe ones – but also in terms of which situations are avoided.
Yes! Stage fright can be treated with therapy, and in some cases, medication.
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is an evidence-based therapy that helps individuals identify and challenge negative thought patterns and behaviours that contribute to anxiety.
Yes, there are medications that can be helpful with stage fright.
Getting the right treatment and learning how to manage your symptoms can help you overcome stage fright.
Stage fright is not dangerous, although the symptoms can be distressing.
Through our site, you can book an initial session with a qualified psychologist or therapist to discuss your concerns and start a treatment plan. We will help you make the difficult easier.
This section explains how to treat stage fright using cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT). Help is available and here you can get an idea of what treatment may look like:
The first step is for a licensed psychologist or qualified therapist to help you evaluate your situation and history. You may also complete assessment forms.
You will learn about your anxiety and how it affects you both physically and psychologically. Together, you will work on analyzing situations and also set goals for treatment.
You will work on identifying and changing thought patterns that are linked to your stage fright. Together with your therapist, you can work with different tools to overcome your concerns. You will be given homework to practice between sessions.
You will be supported by your psychologist throughout the process. At the end of the treatment, you will also receive a plan to continue practicing to maintain your progress over time.
If you or someone you love is experiencing symptoms of stage fright, help is available. Feel free to book a first session with one of our licensed psychologists or therapists to see how we can help you. We help make the difficult easier.