Home » Therapy » Anxiety » Anxiety self-test

Feeling worried and anxious about different things is common. Here you can take a self-test to see if you have symptoms that may need treatment.

Summary of scores

  • 0-5 points: Indicates no anxiety problem.
  • 5-10 points: Indicates mild anxiety.
  • 10-15 points: Indicates moderate anxiety.
  • 16-21 points: Indicates severe anxiety.

If you have symptoms of anxiety, you should consider seeking professional help. We at Lavendla can help you, together we will find a way forward.

If you feel very bad and have suicidal thoughts or thoughts of harming yourself, contact 112 or call the emergency psychiatric service.

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9 common questions and answers about anxiety

What is anxiety and how is it defined?

Anxiety is a natural emotional reaction to stressful situations. It is the body’s way of warning you of a potential danger. It becomes problematic when it prevents you from living a normal life.

What are the most common physical symptoms of anxiety?

Heart palpitations, rapid breathing, sweating and difficulty concentrating are common symptoms.

How does anxiety differ from stress or worry?

Stress is a reaction to external pressures, while anxiety is usually an internal feeling. Worry is a lighter form of anxiety.

What are the different types of anxiety disorders?

There are many different types of anxiety, including generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social anxiety, panic disorder and specific phobias. Each type requires a unique treatment approach and an experienced therapist can help you identify and manage your specific type of anxiety.

How can I support someone close to me who suffers from anxiety?

Listen, be present and encourage professional help.

What treatment methods are available for anxiety?

Therapy, medication and lifestyle changes are common methods to effectively treat anxiety.

How can I manage my anxiety without medication?

Mindfulness, physical activity and talk therapy are all good ways to learn how to manage your anxiety.

What are the long-term effects of untreated anxiety?

Untreated anxiety can lead to depression and other mental health problems.

How much does therapy at Lavendla cost?

At Lavendla, the therapists and coaches set the price themselves. How many therapy sessions are needed for grief processing, personal development, stress management, or what you need help with, you decide in consultation with the therapist. The first time you meet, the focus is usually on getting to know each other, defining your challenges, and then making a plan for how you will work together to achieve your goals.

Anxiety treatment steps to improve quality of life

We are all different and we all deal with anxiety differently. Therefore, it is important to understand your anxiety behavior and work with your therapist to address it as best as possible. However, you can already get an idea of what treating anxiety through talk therapy might look like. Here are the most common steps in an anxiety treatment:

  1. Exploring your problem
    In the initial stage of treatment, your therapist will help you understand your specific anxiety condition. Therefore, together you will review the situations that cause you anxiety and identify the symptoms you are experiencing.
  2. Setting your own goals
    Once you have identified the problem, you and your therapist will work together to set clear and realistic goals for your therapy process. These can range from improving your general wellbeing to dealing effectively with specific triggers.
  3. Changing your behavior
    This step relies on you actively working on your behavior. You will therefore perform various exercises and use techniques designed to break the behavioral patterns that exacerbate your anxiety.
  4. Closure
    Once you have found your new behavioral patterns, you and your therapist will evaluate how close you have come to your goal. Even if you have finished therapy, your work with exercises and good habits often continues after therapy.

Written by Sylvia Power