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If you're struggling to control destructive behaviors, Lavendla therapists are here to help.

What is an addiction?

The American Society of Addiction Medicine defines an addiction as “a treatable, chronic medical disease involving complex interactions among brain circuits, genetics, the environment, and an individual’s life experiences” (ASAM, 2024). Individuals can be addicted to alcohol, recreational drugs, prescription medication, gambling, pornography, and many other substances or activities. An addiction can affect a person’s behavior so much that they compromise their personality. But there is help available.

If you or someone you know is struggling with these issues, you are certainly not alone. According to the 2022 United States National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that 16.7% of Americans had a substance use disorder in the year prior (USDHHS, 2022).

What set our therapist apart was her genuine empathy and personal insight. Not only did she possess a deep understanding of neurodiversity, but she also shared personal experiences that resonated with us, creating an instant connection and fostering a sense of trust!

Benedetta Osarenk

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Finding help

Many forms of talk therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, are effective in treating both substance abuse and addiction of many types. Other interventions, such as family therapy and support, can be helpful for individuals who are emotionally close to someone suffering from addiction.

Awareness and acknowledgment that you cannot face your addiction alone is the first step. By working with a psychologist or therapist, you can begin to understand your symptoms and triggers, which is crucial for long-term change.

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Take the next step

Here at Lavendla, we know that is never too late to break free from addiction. If you are experiencing signs of abuse or addiction that are affecting your personal life or work, contact one of our qualified therapists today.

Why Lavendla?

4,7 of 5 in 5000+ reviews

Thousands of clients trust Lavendla Therapy for delivering exceptional service and support.

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Browse and select a counselor based on reviews, area of focus, and education, ensuring you find the perfect match.

45, 60 or 90 min sessions

Choose a 45, 60, or 90-minute session, or a package, providing flexibility and control over the duration and intensity.

If you’re ready, we are too!

When you feel it’s time to invest in your mental and physical health by addressing your addiction, we have qualified therapists who can help you on your journey. Our core principle is to make the difficult easier for you.

14 common questions and answers about addiction

What is addiction?

Addiction is a complex psychological condition in which the individual feels an inability to stop using a substance or performing a certain activity, despite negative consequences.

How does addiction differ from abuse?

Abuse occurs when we overdo a behavior but are still able to refrain from the behavior with a certain amount of self-control. Addiction indicates a deeper problem in which the individual lacks self-control and often experiences physiological and psychological symptoms if they try to break the behavior.

Is addiction a disease?

Yes, addiction is considered a brain disease because it affects the brain’s reward system and decision-making processes.

Can addiction be treated?

Addiction can be treated, but it often requires long-term care and determination. Many individuals have overcome addiction with help from therapists and other supports.

What are the signs that I may be addicted?

Signs of addiction include increased tolerance to a substance; withdrawal and cravings when the substance or behavior is withheld; and a lack of control over our behaviors.

them What are the risks of addiction?

The potential risks of addiction include poor physical health; significant mood changes; trouble with employment; lack of prosocial relationships; interrupted sleep; and many other possible results.

How can I help a friend who is addicted?

If you have a friend you suspect is addicted, the first step is to offer your support by talking with them about your concerns. Encourage them to seek professional help and find practical and helpful ways to support them during treatment.

What treatment options are available?

There are several different types of treatment for addiction such as medication, individual therapy, family therapy, and support groups.

How long does it take to get rid of an addiction?

Getting past an addiction varies from person to person. Some may need a few months while others may need years of continuous care.

Is relapse common?

Yes, relapse is part of the recovery process for many people. The most important thing is not to give up.

What can I do if I relapse?

Seek help immediately from your support system. Relapse is not a sign of failure but it is important to act quickly to get back on track.

What resources are available?

In addition to our professional therapists and psychologists, there are many websites, books, and support groups that can offer additional information and support for people struggling with addiction.

Can I be treated online?

Yes, all of Lavendla’s therapists offer sessions exclusively via our telehealth platform.

How important is it for someone with an addiction to have a support system?

A support system is crucial to successful recovery from an addiction. This includes professional help such as therapists and doctors as well as family and friends who can provide emotional and practical support. A good support system reduces the risk of relapse and helps the person maintain a healthier lifestyle.

Steps to improve quality of life

Treatment for an addiction or abuse differs from person to person, although they often include the following steps:

  1. Evaluation and diagnosis
    The first step is often a thorough evaluation and diagnosis of your addiction. This includes medical and psychological evaluations.
  2. Possible detoxification or abstinence
    For some types of addictions, such as alcohol or opioids, detoxification may be necessary. This is done under medical supervision.
  3. Treatment planning
    An individual treatment plan is created, which often includes different treatment methods such as psychotherapy, drug treatment, and sometimes even self-help groups.
  4. Psychotherapeutic treatment
    Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a common method, but other approaches such as psychodynamic therapy or family therapy may also be used.
  5. Follow-up and Maintenance
    Long-term treatment and follow-up are often necessary to prevent relapse. This may include regular meetings with health care providers and continued participation in support groups.
  6. Relapse prevention
    Skills and strategies for dealing with the temptations and difficulties that can lead to relapse are a critical part of long-term recovery.
  7. Lifestyle changes
    Changes in lifestyle, including work, leisure and relationships, are often necessary to support long-term recovery.

Written by Emily Cox