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Sometimes we just need some extra support or a different perspective. Therapy can help you understand yourself better, learn new ways of coping, and feel better - just by showing up.

How talk therapy works

People seek out therapy for many reasons – relationship difficulties, low self-esteem, grief, or feeling depressed or anxious, for example. Still others enter therapy simply because they want to understand themselves better. There is no right or wrong reason for being in therapy.

There are also no stupid questions and there is no topic that is not appropriate to talk about in talk therapy. It is up to the client to decide what they need support with. The role of the therapist, on the other hand, is to listen, understand, and ask questions to increase understanding.

The goal of talk therapy is for the client to gain a better understanding of themselves and also get the tools they need to manage problems on their own in the future. Having an outsider to talk to about things that are sometimes difficult to handle in life can be an immense relief, and many clients testify that talk therapy also improved their relationships with other people.

What set our therapist apart was her genuine empathy and personal insight. Not only did she possess a deep understanding of neurodiversity, but she also shared personal experiences that resonated with us, creating an instant connection and fostering a sense of trust!

Benedetta Osarenk

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14 common questions and answers about talk therapy

What is talk therapy and what are its main goals?

Talk therapy is a form of psychotherapy in which the client talks with a professional therapist to explore and understand their feelings, thoughts and behaviors. The aim of talk therapy is to promote self-awareness, change and increased well-being.

What types of problems or challenges can talk therapy help with?

Talk therapy can be beneficial for a variety of problems and challenges, including anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, confidence issues, trauma, grief, and stress management, among others. Remember, there are no stupid questions.

How long does a typical talk therapy process take?

The length of a talk therapy process varies depending on the client’s needs and goals. Some clients may experience improvements after a few sessions, while others prefer to work longer to explore their issues more deeply. A typical therapy session is 45 minutes, but for couples therapy we tend to recommend 90 minutes as they usually take longer when more people are involved.

What can I expect during a talk therapy session?

During a talk therapy session, you will have the opportunity to talk openly about your thoughts, feelings and experiences. The therapist will listen actively, ask questions and offer reflections to help you understand yourself better. The therapist will create a safe and confidential environment for you to explore your feelings.

Can talk therapy help me if I don’t have any specific problems but feel generally depressed or stressed?

Absolutely. Talk therapy can be helpful in boosting your well-being and helping you manage stress and feelings of depression, even if you don’t have specific problems.

Can I expect my therapist to give me advice and solutions to my problems?

In talk therapy, the therapist’s main role is to listen, support and help you explore your own thoughts and feelings. The therapist can offer perspectives and insights, but you will be involved in finding your own solutions.

Is it common to feel emotional or exhausted after a therapy session?

Yes, it is common to feel emotional or tired after a therapy session. Exploring sensitive topics can be quite intense. It is important to give yourself time to process these feelings afterwards. It is not unusual to need to rest after a session.

What if I feel dissatisfied with my therapist or feel that the therapy is not working for me?

If you feel that the therapy does not suit you or that you do not have a good relationship with your therapist, it is important to be open about it. You have the right to seek another therapist who better suits your needs.

Can I bring my partner or family member to a talk therapy session?

Yes, if you want to involve your partner or a family member in the therapy, this may be possible, especially if your relationship affects your health and well-being. Please let us at Lavendla know in advance whether you are coming alone or with others so we can ensure that our therapist has the experience and skills you need.

How long does it usually take to see changes or results from therapy?

The timeline for seeing changes varies depending on individual circumstances and goals. Some people experience rapid progress while others may take longer. The therapist will work with you to achieve your goals at your own pace.

How do I know if talk therapy is right for me?

Talk therapy can be beneficial if you feel you are having difficulty managing your emotions, if you feel your life is limited by psychological or emotional difficulties, or if you simply want to understand yourself better. An initial consultation with a therapist can help you decide if talk therapy is the right path for you.

Do you always cry with a therapist?

No, you don’t always cry during a session. However, crying can be something you do for many different reasons. It does not necessarily mean that you are sad. Some people cry out of joy or because they have been touched by a strong emotion. Some people also cry out of anger or frustration. Crying is simply the body’s response to a strong emotion.

The first time you seek counseling

If this is the first time you’re seeking help with something you have been thinking about for a long time, here is some practical advice:

  • Read about the different types of therapy we offer on our website. This will give you a better understanding of how we think about different topics.
  • On the Lavendla website you can choose which psychologist, therapist or coach you want to meet. Read their profile page about their background, skills, education and previous customer reviews to form an opinion. This also increases the likelihood that you will meet the right person who can help you.
  • The first meeting is often more about building a relationship and trust with each other rather than going straight to a solution. Remember that our job is largely to listen to you, so be open about how you feel and think. This will help us to help you.
  • Subsequent meetings focus instead on giving you the tools you need to deal with the problems on your own. We support, guide and ensure that the tools we have given you work. If they don’t, we can try other approaches.

3 tips on talk therapy from our therapists

  1. List item

Written by Emily Cox